The East Tennessee Collaborative (ETC) program supports families on their journey to financial independence. Through mentorship and participant-led goal-setting, ETC empowers parents and caregivers to achieve their dreams. Whether participants need long-term, regular support or a boost to make it through hard times, ETC ensures people have what they need to build their brighter future.

For ETC participant LaShae, someone walking beside her during a hard time made all the difference.

LaShae knows what it feels like to chase dreams with the goal of building a brighter future. There was a time before she had a family, when she attended community college and beauty school, trying to find her passion. Yet, nothing felt exactly right for her. When she became a mother, dreams and finding her passion took a backseat to supporting her growing family.

LaShae and her partner work hard to provide for their three children, but she never stopped thinking about going back to school. When her partner shared that he wanted to go back and pursue a degree, it was just the spark she needed. In 2018, LaShae and her partner went back to school – together.

LaShae returned to community college, earning her associate’s degree and went on to attend the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) for a bachelor’s degree.

She was a star student at UTK, maintaining a high GPA, making the Dean’s List multiple semesters, and earning the Volunteer of Distinction award. Along the way, she secured two internships that provided valuable knowledge and hands-on experience. She also joined the Young Professionals Academy, competed nationally in an advertising competition, and was named Student of the Year in advertising.

With one semester left at UTK, LaShae learned her financial aid options had been exhausted. She could see the finish line. Everything she worked so hard for was finally within reach. But without financial aid, she wouldn’t be able to finish school. The news was devastating. She remembered hearing about ETC at a tabling event at UTK and reached out for help.

“I am truly grateful for the ETC program and everything it has provided for me and my family,” shared LaShae. “I don’t think I can stress that enough. Without the program’s support, I wouldn’t have made it where I am today.”

With the support of an ETC Mobility Mentor, LaShae gained access to essential resources that made finishing school possible, including rental assistance, child care and career mentoring. Beyond these critical supports, the two had meaningful conversations providing LaShae clarity in her career interests and goals, and a clear vision for the future.

“This program has been incredibly helpful in removing barriers,” expressed LaShae. “From rental assistance to child care, these resources were crucial and allowed me to focus on my studies and ultimately, complete my education. Without this support, achieving the milestone of earning my bachelor’s degree at UTK would have been so much more challenging. The ETC program has given me hope for the future and the drive to continue succeeding.”

LaShae is now a proud Cum Laude graduate from UTK with her bachelor’s degree in Communications. She is excited for the future and looks forward to securing a job in her field soon!

For more information about the ETC program, visit