Knox Area Afterschool Network

Advocating for safe, healthy and nurturing out-of-school experiences

The Knox Area Afterschool Network (KAAN) is a coalition of out-of-school providers who are dedicated to enriching the lives of Knoxville’s students.

KAAN’s 2023-2024 School Year Impact

110 members
328 attendees
33 collaborating organizations
7 BIPOC-led organizations
11 place-based organizations
15 elementary school programs
10 middle school programs
9 high school programs
20+ professional development hours

Strengthening Relationships with Local Out-of-School Professionals

Bringing together schools, organizations, parents and policymakers, KAAN advocates for high-quality out-of-school experiences and learning opportunities. We provide resources and training to local providers, ensuring impactful programing that caters to diverse needs.

Afterschool providers offer safe, dependable and engaging programming to help children and youth learn and grow after school hours. With over 100 members across 30 organizations, KAAN meets monthly to align strategies, improve program engagement and effectiveness, increase capacity, advocate and compile data.

As part of the broader Tennessee Afterschool Network (TAN), we are strengthened by state-wide convenings, financial support and advocacy. TAN creates opportunities for connecting with nine other Tennessee coalitions as well as the larger National Afterschool Alliance network.



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More Ways to Get Involved


Your donation stays local to support life-changing efforts in your own backyard.


Find opportunities to share your time and talents with those who need it most.


Share your voice to impact the education, health and stability of our neighbors.