Ensuring all kids have access to learning supports outside the classroom.
With many students behind in reading and math, we are working to bridge the gap and ensure each child has access to the individualizes support they need to thrive academically and in life.
38 participating tutoring sites
4 partners
4 counties served
Over 80 highly trained professional tutors
Over 1,000 students served in high-impact tutoring from August 2022-July 2024
17% increase in literacy proficiency in students participating in tutoring
During the COVID-19 pandemic, students across Tennessee experienced varied access to instruction, leading to lower average proficiency in math and early reading. To address this learning loss, the Tennessee Department of Education deployed funds to create the Tennessee Accelerated Learning and Literacy Corps (TN ALL Corps) through school districts and community partners.
We secured over $1.5 million in State of TN Department of Education grant funding for the YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, Wesley House and Shades of Development to provide tutoring programs designed to support Knox County School students who need extra help. With our high-impact tutoring program, students receive focused instruction three days per week in small groups from a consistent tutor.
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