ALICE represents the growing number of families that are living above the Federal Poverty Level but are still unable to afford basic necessities on their income alone.
ALICE stands for asset limited, income constrained, employed. United Ways of Tennessee launched the ALICE data project to provide a comprehensive measure of financial hardship across our state.
The ALICE reports tell the story of our community members who are working hard but still struggling to survive. ALICE is our neighbor, our friend, our family. While ALICE may earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, ALICE still cannot afford the basic necessities for their family.
39% of Knox County residents are under the ALICE threshold and struggling with regular financial crises without the resources they need to succeed. With your help, we can help these families reach financial stability.
When ALICE thrives, we all thrive.
When families are not making enough money to make ends meet, they have to make tough choices about which basic necessities they prioritize. Those decisions affect not just ALICE but our whole community.
When basic needs are being met, it leads to greater financial stability, leaves more time to spend with loved ones and giving back to the community, and increases overall levels of happiness and life satisfaction.
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